Prominent ear correction or otoplasty

Prominent ears or jug ears are congenital, usually caused by an insufficiently formed crease in the cartilage. In some cases there is a larger angle between the head and the ear because the bowl-shaped cavity of the ear is too deep.

1. For whom is this surgery intended?

In my practice the ratio children versus adults is 60/40. For children I recommend to wait with surgery until they are 7 to 8 years old. Before that age the ears will not have fully grown yet. Young children’s cartilage is thin and vulnerable, which makes the operation more difficult: a good reason to postpone the treatment. There is also a physiological reason to wait. Teasing is not a factor at a very young age and besides that it is preferable to enable the child to have a voice in making the decision about the ear correction.

Because plastic surgery is more commonly accepted nowadays, adults increasingly choose to undergo an ear correction. For this group too it is a treatment that is worthwhile.

Welke behandelingen zijn er mogelijk?

Voor wie is deze behandeling geschikt?

De behandeling van een oorcorrectie


Oorcorrectie voor en na foto’s

4. Photos ear correction

Vraag een online consult aan

Erik Jan Timmenga  74.jpg

Wat kost een oorcorrectie?

5. Info

More information and photos

Comments from family and friends Go to the page
Scars Read the article
Photos before and after surgery See the album

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